Our impact: social
Farming is straining under the constant increase in demand as the population grows to 10 billion and a simultaneous decrease in arable land on which to grow.

Putting our community first
Community groups across the Dundee area have been delivering fresh produce to local residents who have been most heavily impacted by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The produce has been grown by IGS in Scotland’s first vertical farm based at the James Hutton Institute in Invergowrie.
Supporting the next generation
IGS has announced its commitment to Entrepreneurial Scotland's Saltire Scholar Internship Programme for a second year. In 2020, the company played host to nine scholars, each of whom undertook a summer internship with IGS.

Helping wherever we can
IGS Head of Software Engineering joins national call to arms against COVID-19 with Team Rubicon. The charity has 900 permanent volunteers, the majority of whom are veterans or ex-military.
A former Royal Signals officer, Gordy is one of these so-called ‘grey shirt’ volunteers and has been called up to be part of the charity’s National Volunteer Co-ordination Cell.
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